On-line register for 2018 Click to contact us and register
IS discontinued !!!
You can register on-line through a secure Paypal account.
We enjoy having families, and encourage them to join us by providing a scale that should be affordable for everyone. Remember, this fee covers everything except selected project materials for big projects. We provide campsites, potable water, firewood, camp tools, food and cooking utensils for patrol cooking, a full kitchen facility for camp-wide meals, port-a-johns, and support staff.
This is a drive-in site, so you may bring your car in to set-up your camp. Classic campers will be asked to move their vehicles away from the main camp circle so they are out of the way for photos.
Participants will be forwarded a registration packet upon payment of their registration fee. All participants are required to submit a signed Waiver form.
If you don't do on-line registration, let us know, and we'll handle it for you.
On-line registration
is discontinued.
To keep up with what's going on in the world of Classic Camping,
order your copy of Camping In The Old Style.
SORRY to all ! Due to lack of early responses,
Woodsmoke 2018 will not be held this year.

Youth 13-15

Youth 9-12