Learn About Backtracks Events
Take a minute to get a feel for what Backtracks events are all about. 2017 marked our 30th year for putting on our primitive skills gatherings. We celebrated our 25th milestone by starting Woodsmoke in 2012. With growing interest in Traditional Woodcraft skills and camping in the "classic style", Woodsmoke is a timely addition to the Backtracks offerings. Relax and watch the clips that have been provided for you, and spend a little time in the woodsmoke.
Don Kevilus of Four Dogs Stoves takes you on a tour of Woodsmoke 2012. This will give you a pretty good idea of some of the things that took place there. Video courtesy of Karamat Wilderness Ways.
Christian Noble of MasterWoodsman.com compiled this great little slide show from photos he took at Rabbitsick in 2011. From the many views of the camp, you get a feel for what Backtracks has been doing for 30 years to promote the international field of primitive technology.
Your Hosts

When Dave and Paula Wescott started Rabbitstick in 1988, they contacted everyone they thought they would like to meet in the primitive skills field and invited them to come. One of the first people to respond was Steve Watts. Steve has been a good friend and traveling companion (along with the third musketeer, David Holladay) on such adventures as working as a consulting team on the movie Castaway, as well as a variety of television productions including Digging for the Truth with Josh Bernstein, Extreme History with Roger Daltry, NBC News and others. Cody Lundin of Dual Survival fame considers them mentors. With the unfortunate passing of Steve in 2016, Woodsmoke got put on the back-burner along with a number of unfinished writing projects. Woodsmoke 2018 will continue to honor Steve's legacy to the field of Classic Camping.